Displaying 581 - 600 of 673
Freely accessible eresource

Occupational profiles are available at this website of the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science & Training.

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Freely accessible eresource

A gateway to major scientific research news sources, including New Scientist, Nature, Science Daily magazine and others.

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Freely accessible eresource
The Highland and Island Emigration Society was set up by private subscription to alleviate destitution in the Highlands by promoting and assisting the emigration of almost 5000 Highlanders to Australia. Their passenger lists for the years 1852-1857 have survived and are organised by ship and by family and record the name, age and residence of each emigrant (HD4/5) as well as occasional notes on their health and situation. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
The National Library of Scotland lists resources for anyone researching their Scottish family history. The list includes FamilySearch, Records of births, deaths and marriages, Old parish registers, Scottish Parish Records and The McKirdy Index. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
"This brief guide covers: the main records for tracing Scottish ancestors; where and how you can access them; and our guides and services to aid your family history research." View record page
Freely accessible eresource
ScotlandsPeople is the official Scottish Government site for searching government records and archives. Search to apply for copies of official certificates and to research family history, biography, local history and social history. Fees apply for services. View record page
Freely accessible eresource

Search historical Scottish records ranging from prison records to property records, health records and court records and find out more about searching the records in the Scottish Genealogy Learning Zone. 

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Freely accessible eresource
Over 700 digitised directories covering most of Scotland and dating from 1773 to 1911. View record page
Freely accessible eresource

Find details of the around 8,500 criminals who were sentenced in Scotland and transported to Australia between 1787-1867 in the Old Scottish Genealogy & Family History Records of Transported Convicts. 

"This dataset links the transportation registers (HO11 series, held at the National Archives in London) to the records of the High Court of Justiciary/Circuit Courts in Scotland for the first time. The index on its own contains a lot more biographical and identifying information than is found in the transportation registers." Researchers may be happy just with the index, but they can also order the relevant court papers held in Edinburgh for a cost. 

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Freely accessible eresource
This website offers guidance in the deciphering of manuscripts and other old documents that were printed in old typefaces or written in old handwriting styles. Languages covered here include English, German, Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. The content of this website may be useful for genealogical, historical, and literary research.' View record page
Freely accessible eresource
State Records NSW has digitised and indexed the Convict Indents which list the convicts transported to New South Wales from 1788-1800. Early indents provide name, date and place of trial and sentence while the later indents usually include physical description, native place, age and crime. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
The Sentencing Bench Book is published by the Judicial Commission of New South Wales. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
This site provides a picture and information on each ship that sailed with the First Fleet. Images have been constructed from written descriptions of the ships. Produced by the First Fleet Fellowship. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
Lists over 7000 international institutions with material relating to the performing arts, including theatre, opera, music, ballet, film, circus, radio, television, cabaret, pantomime. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
A critical survey and more than 400 definitions and essays on occult, paranormal and pseudoscientific ideas and practices as well as a survey of the philosophy of atheism and skepticism. View record page
Freely accessible eresource

Small Town Queer explores the LGBTIQ+ history of the Tweed & Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, from the early 1900s to the present.

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Freely accessible eresource
Robert H. Smith's annotated listing of maritime museums worldwide which have websites. Searchable by region. View record page
Freely accessible eresource

SIRC is an independent, non-profit organisation founded to conduct research on social and lifestyle issues, monitor and assess global socio-cultural trends. Free access to their articles and publications online.

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Freely accessible eresource

Genealogy SA offers an online database that can be used to search the following databases: Newspaper Birth Notices Index from 1960 onwards Newspaper Death Notices Index from 1972 onwards South Australia Cemeteries Index Birth Registration Certificates Index 1842 - 1928 Death Registration Certificates Index 1842 - 1972 Marriage Registration Certificates Index 1842 - 1937

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Freely accessible eresource
Although no convicts were transported directly to South Australia from Britain, some convicts were tried in South Australia and transported to other colonies. This alphabetical list provides details of convicts including name, alias, crime, date and length of sentence. Produced by Graham Jaunay. View record page