Allows you to search historic Queensland Births, Deaths and Marriage records for births that took place more than 100 years ago, marriages that took place more than 75 years ago and deaths that occurred more than 30 years ago.
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QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTQI+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
Removed as 1922-1954 on TROVE and its not a NSW newspaper and the heading is now called Newspaper indexes. KSP 19/10/12 The Nambour Chronicle & North Coast Advertiser was first published 31st July 1903 and continued as the local newspaper for the Sunshine Coast until 1983. Currently, 1903 to 1958 has been digitised. Access is free but registration is required for full text. 1922-1954 is on Trove.
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Text Queensland is a collection of full text, searchable, digitised sources on QLD colonial & state history. Full text journals include the Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland (1914-1994) Pughs Almanac (1859-1927) and Queensland Government Gazette (1859-1900).
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Queensland State Archives is custodian of the State's largest and most significant collection of government records and is an invaluable research facility for those researching their family tree, local history or other area of special interest.
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Use this index to find owners of firms Registered under the Firms Act, 1902. Search by name of firm, nature and/or place of business, year, and persons carrying on a business. Check the Business and company records guide by the State Archives which provides a historical overview and a list of main record series held in the State Archives.
An online repository of works printed in English between the 1477 and 1799. Although produced with care and attention, the texts are not represented by the publisher as scholarly editions.
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Research Data Australia helps you find, access, and reuse data for research from over one hundred Australian research organisations, government agencies, and cultural institutions.
Research Data Australia is the data discovery service of the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). The ARDC is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program.
Comprehensive site about the historical and Shakespearean Richard III. Contains articles, historical documents, teachers' resources and fictional works about the controversial king.
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The Richmond River Historical Society produces indexes to books on the district's history, including Australia's Fighting Sons, Men and a River, and Sword and Lance. There are also indexes to the society's holdings of local cemetery registers and obituaries and death notices.
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Search for a Grave at Rookwood. Our Deceased Search facility provides information on the interments that have taken place within Rookwood General Cemetery, including the former Jewish, Muslim, Anglican, General and Independent cemeteries.
This site provides information about the Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS) and its activities. It also contains information about Australian and New South Wales history, historic Sydney landmarks, and lists of contents of the RAHS journal.
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The Royal Institute of British Architects ( RIBA ) is the UK body for architecture and the architectural profession and the RIBA British Architectural Library, established in 1834, is the largest and most comprehensive resource in the UK for research on all aspects of architecture. The Library's online catalogue is fully searchable by keyword, author, title, subject and series and provides: (1) an index to articles in over 300 of the world's architectural periodicals and details of books and audio visual materials acquired by the RIBA Library. (2) the holdings of the RIBA Library Photographs Collection. (3) drawings, manuscripts and archives acquired by the RIBA Library Drawings and Archives Collection. (4) a biographical database of architects. The RIBA British Architectural Library holds a wide spectrum of subjects, ranging from prehistory to the present and is international in scope. In addition to architectural theory, practice and history there is material on allied subjects such as building and construction, civil engineering, structural engineering, landscape architecture, interior design and decoration, the decorative arts, town and country planning, and construction law.
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One in every five Sands & McDougall Melbourne and Victoria directories from 1860 to 1974 are available through the State Library Victoria. Keyword searching available.
John Sands Ltd (Printers and Stationers) published their directory most years from 1858-59 to 1932-33. Digitised by the City of Sydney Archives, the household and business information it contains has become a fundamental source for research into Sydney history, especially family history.