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For use in the Library

The Library is currently unable to provide access to Australian Standards Online and is investigating other options for access.


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Resource: Freely available

Laws and standards for all aspects of construction in Australia. Contains the National Construction Code (previously Building Code of Australia). Register for free access.

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Resource: Freely available

Free searchable database of US and European patents and patent applications.

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Resource: Freely available

This site provides information about Australian patents. It also provides access to two databases for patents and patent applications filed since January 1979.

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Resource: Freely available

Over 1 million applications, representing 20 years of the most important technological advances, are now available for free consultation. New technologies are often disclosed for the first time as international patent applications. The patent applications filed under WIPO's Patent Cooperation Treaty system and accessible through the PatentScope service, are typically those that inventors consider to be the most valuable and therefore worth patenting internationally.

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