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Extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Includes current newspapers and full-text periodicals of major bibliographic resources including CINAHL, BIOSIS, MLA, PsycINFO, ERIC, EconLit, RILM and modern primary sources such as podcasts and transcripts from NPR and CNN.

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Provides access to the Australian Literary Database which covers Australian creative writing and Australian writers. Subjects covered by the database include books, poems, short stories, articles and reviews and can be searched by author, title, genre or award. The database contains records from the 1880s to the current day, with comprehensive coverage from 1988. Document supply NOT available. Useful for HSC English.

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A collection of poetry and fiction works from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Containing over 480 titles, published from the 1930s to today and including a strong focus on Indigenous and female voices. 

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Cambridge Companions Online is a fully searchable, full text collection of over 360 titles from the renowned Cambridge Companion series. It's regularly updated with new titles in the Companion series.

The subject areas covered are literature, classics, philosophy, religion and cultural studies.

  • Document supply NOT available
  • Useful for HSC English
  • Ebooks
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Access the Library's collection of ebooks which are available for loan. The collection includes over 7000 titles covering fiction and non-fiction, Australian and international material.

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Designed for high school students, this resource provides context for literary classics and a range of contemporary texts with a multi-media collection that includes articles, videos, infographics and ebooks.

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Search across seven different literary collections, including Literature Resource Center, to find literary criticism, scholarly essays, reviews, overviews, author biographies and full-text literary works.

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This complete database of Australasian content searches across all Informit subject databases. It covers the following major subject areas: Agriculture, Arts, Asian, Business, Education, Engineering, Health, History, Indigenous, Law, Literature, Media, Reference, Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology.

Useful for HSC Society and Culture, HSC English and HSC History.

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JSTOR is an interdisciplinary digital archive of scholarly material in the social sciences and humanities and the sciences. It includes the full text of non-current issues from over 1,000 leading academic journals as well as select monographs and other materials. The State Library subscribes to the Arts & Sciences Collections Parts I - IX and the Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets collection. Document supply available. Useful for HSC History, HSC Society & Culture and HSC English.

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Each volume focuses on an individual writer, with essays that consider the various contexts within which the author lived and worked - the literary, political, intellectual, social and cultural contexts.

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Contains hundreds of specialist encyclopaedias, dictionaries, language resources, and other reference works published by Oxford University Press as ebooks. Covers all subject areas.

It is a fully-indexed, cross-searchable database of these books.

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Find literary criticism, reviews, and interviews with poets and short fiction writers, both historical and contemporary. Includes analyses of individual works, poetry showcases on contemporary American poets, and selected stories and poems in full text.

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ProQuest Research Library provides access to thousands of full-text periodicals. Search scholarly journals, professional and trade publications and magazines covering over 150 topics including arts, business, humanities, social sciences, medicine and science.

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A yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production, published since 1948. Each volume is devoted to a theme, or a play, or a group of plays, and features the best international Shakespeare scholarship in English.

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Use The Shakespeare Collection to access and study an extensive collection of authoritative materials supporting literary, textual, historical, and performance studies. Resources include the complete works, as well as editions and adaptations of Shakespeare's works, other works published during Shakespeare's time, prompt books, the Gordon Crosse Theatrical Diaries, criticism, reviews, images, and reference. Document supply available. Useful for HSC English.

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A study resource for Shakespeare's plays, sonnets and other poems, including plot summaries, essays, character analyses, quotes, biography, and information about the Globe Theatre.

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