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The resource was developed in partnership with the Analysis and Policy Observatory, formerly known as Australian Policy Online, covering policy information from and about Australia including current and historical material. Subject areas include criminology, social services, current affairs, sustainability, and public policy.

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Freely accessible eresource

Free access to contemporary research reports, articles and statistics on issues of public policy, including ageing, child protection, families, climate change, digital inclusion, religion, migration and many more issues from Australia and New Zealand. You can search within each topic collection. (Formerly Australian Policy Online)

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Freely accessible eresource
This site provides contact details of Australian embassies and other representative offices throughout the world. The site also includes links to Australian embassy web pages where available. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
The Australian Government Web Archvie is a collection of Commonwealth Government websites with the earliest content collected in 1996. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
Provides election results for state lower houses of parliament since 1890, and for Commonwealth Parliament since 1901. It also provides information about politicians and political parties and how they performed in elections. Produced by the University of Western Australia. View record page
Freely accessible eresource

Data.gov.au is the central source of Australian open government data published by federal, state and local government agencies.

This data is a national resource that holds considerable value for growing the economy, improving service delivery and transforming policy outcomes.
In addition to government data, you can also find publicly-funded research data and datasets from private institutions that are in the public interest.
The site has over 30,000 publically available datasets and continues to grow.
In addition to free, open datasets, data.gov.au now includes information about unpublished data and data available for purchase.

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Freely accessible eresource
1901 to 2012 Commonwealth of Australia and Australian Government Gazettes on the Federal Register of Legislation in a PDF searchable format. View record page
Freely accessible eresource

The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) works to support the Federal Minister for Indigenous Australians and to influence policy across the entire Australian Government. The NIAA liaises with State and Territory governments, Indigenous peak bodies, stakeholders and service providers to ensure that Indigenous programs and services are delivering for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as intended.

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