Extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Includes current newspapers and full-text periodicals of major bibliographic resources including CINAHL, BIOSIS, MLA, PsycINFO, ERIC, EconLit, RILM and modern primary sources such as podcasts and transcripts from NPR and CNN.
This is an online streaming database of documentary and educational videos from many of Australasias video publishers. The collection contains more than 500 hours of content and includes video published from the mid-20th century to the present day, covering regional perspectives in a broad range of disciplines. Content has been sourced from several collections including: National Film & Sound Archive, SBS, George Andrews Productions, Beamafilms, and Electric Pictures.
ProQuest Australia & New Zealand Newsstream offers access to leading Australian and New Zealand newspapers. Includes content from Fairfax Australia, Fairfax New Zealand, News Limited, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and AAP Newswire.
Access the Library's collection of ebooks which are available for loan. The collection includes over 7000 titles covering fiction and non-fiction, Australian and international material.
FAQs about eresources and accessing ebooks are available at Help | Eresources.
Covers contemporary global issues and encourages critical analysis relating to society, politics, gender, health, technology and the environment. Includes articles from academic journals, magazines, newspapers and multimedia formats.
Find differing points of view on a wide range of current issues from subjects such as politics, business, health and society. Search for a topic or browse through featured issues to explore supporting information such as fulltext articles, videos and reference material.
This eresource provides authoritative, full-text content with a regional focus, complemented by global news, reference, and multimedia coverage. It features a variety of magazines, journals, news, and multimedia sources across academic disciplines and areas of interest, covering issues and events related to Australia and New Zealand.
This complete database of Australasian content searches across all Informit subject databases. It covers the following major subject areas: Agriculture, Arts, Asian, Business, Education, Engineering, Health, History, Indigenous, Law, Literature, Media, Reference, Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology.
Useful for HSC Society and Culture, HSC English and HSC History.
JSTOR is an interdisciplinary digital archive of scholarly material in the social sciences and humanities and the sciences. It includes the full text of non-current issues from over 1,000 leading academic journals as well as select monographs and other materials. The State Library subscribes to the Arts & Sciences Collections Parts I - IX and the Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets collection. Document supply available. Useful for HSC History, HSC Society & Culture and HSC English.
LGBTQ+ Source with full text, contains LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers, monographs/books including classics in Lesbian Studies and Gay Science, such as The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Research, Handbook of Research with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Populations, Queer Theory & Social Change, etc. The database also includes indexing and abstract coverage as well as a specialized LGBT Thesaurus.
Global News from Newsbank provides access to almost 7,800 titles including over 200 titles as digital images from Australia and overseas. The digital image titles include: The Australian, The Australian Financial Review, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph, The Times (London), The Guardian, and the New York Post
Access Australia includes content from over 500 of the most popular Australian daily, weekly and Sunday newspapers, as well as hard-to-find community, regional and rural titles.
Contains hundreds of specialist encyclopaedias, dictionaries, language resources, and other reference works published by Oxford University Press as ebooks. Covers all subject areas.
It is a fully-indexed, cross-searchable database of these books.
Periodicals Archive Online is a leading humanities and social sciences indexing service that provides access to bibliographic records of articles from more than 4,000 journals published from 1770 to 2005. It gives the full text of articles from over 700 journals indexed.
ProQuest Research Library provides access to thousands of full-text periodicals. Search scholarly journals, professional and trade publications and magazines covering over 150 topics including arts, business, humanities, social sciences, medicine and science.
ProQuest Psychology Database encompasses clinical and social psychology and provides coverage of the related disciplines from leading psychology and psychosomatic publications.
ProQuest Religion Database has a comprehensive collection of journals covering religious issues and perspectives, including religious news and formal theological studies. Document supply available.
ProQuest Social Science Database covers hundreds of international social science journals. Topics include gerontology, economics, international relations, minority studies and urban studies. Document supply available.
SPORTDiscus is a bibliographic database for sports and sports medicine research. It includes records from leading sports medicine journals, books, and dissertations. SPORTDiscus contains over 1,300 titles of which 60% are full text including material from Australia and New Zealand
Free access to contemporary research reports, articles and statistics on issues of public policy, including ageing, child protection, families, climate change, digital inclusion, religion, migration and many more issues from Australia and New Zealand. You can search within each topic collection. (Formerly Australian Policy Online)
The National Library of Australia has digitised issues of the Australian Women's Weekly from 1933 to 1982. Our trial webpage helps users discover this unique material powered by Trove.