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Cambridge Companions Online is a fully searchable, full text collection of over 360 titles from the renowned Cambridge Companion series. It's regularly updated with new titles in the Companion series.

The subject areas covered are literature, classics, philosophy, religion and cultural studies.

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  • Useful for HSC English
  • Ebooks
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JSTOR is an interdisciplinary digital archive of scholarly material in the social sciences and humanities and the sciences. It includes the full text of non-current issues from over 1,000 leading academic journals as well as select monographs and other materials. The State Library subscribes to the Arts & Sciences Collections Parts I - IX and the Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets collection. Document supply available. Useful for HSC History, HSC Society & Culture and HSC English.

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Contains hundreds of specialist encyclopaedias, dictionaries, language resources, and other reference works published by Oxford University Press as ebooks. Covers all subject areas.

It is a fully-indexed, cross-searchable database of these books.

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The prompt books tell the stories of key performances as they were put in theatres throughout Great Britain, the United States, and elsewhere. Included are a mixture of handwritten manuscripts, printed typesets, personal notes, and sketches. The eresource includes curated case studies around 17 performances (King Lear, Hamlet, Coriolanus, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, Henry V, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Covers Seventeenth Century to the Twentieth. By Adam Matthew Digital.

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A yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production, published since 1948. Each volume is devoted to a theme, or a play, or a group of plays, and features the best international Shakespeare scholarship in English.

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Use The Shakespeare Collection to access and study an extensive collection of authoritative materials supporting literary, textual, historical, and performance studies. Resources include the complete works, as well as editions and adaptations of Shakespeare's works, other works published during Shakespeare's time, prompt books, the Gordon Crosse Theatrical Diaries, criticism, reviews, images, and reference. Document supply available. Useful for HSC English.

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