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Ancestry Library Edition access reverted to ‘For use in the Library only’ on 1 January 2022.

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Contains records covering Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, Wales, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands. Includes cemetery records, probate, land & court records, migration records, criminal reports, electoral rolls & censuses, directories, almanacs & government gazettes and military records. Document supply NOT available.

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The AIF project lists Australian Anzacs in the Great War 1914-1918 and is hosted by the University of Canberra. You can search the database by Name, Regimental number and address. View record page
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Major holdings include records for the Australian Army, Navy, Merchant Navy and Air Force, conscription and national service and records relating to the Boer War, WW1, WW2 and the Vietnam War. The ANA also holds Victorian colonial defence force personnel records which were transferred to the Commonwealth following Federation in 1901. The National Archives has a number of fact sheets on its military records which are available on thier website. View record page
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Compiled by Phyllis Wilson of the Returned Service Nurses Club of Victoria, this website lists 102 Australian nurses who died as a result of war service in the Boer War (1), World War 1 (24), World War 2 (76) and the Vietnam War (1). View record page
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The Australian War Memorial's national collection covers Australia's past involvment in the following armed conflicts : New Zealand (Maori Wars) 1860-1866; Sudan (NSW contigent) 1885; South Africa (Boer War) 1899-1902; China (Boxer Uprising) 1900-1901; the First World War (1914-1918); the Second World War (1939-1945); British Commonwealth Occupation Forces (1946-1952); the Malayan Emergency (1948-1960); the Korean War (1950-1953); Indonesian Confrontation (1963-1966); the Vietnam War (1962-1972); the Gulf War (1990-1991); East Timor (1999 - ); Afghanistan (2000 - ); Iraq (2003 - ) and various peacekeeping operations. View record page
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This site provides personal and service details and places of commemoration for the 1.7 million members of the Commonwealth forces who died in the First or Second World Wars. A record of some 60 000 civilian casualties of the Second World War is provided without details of burial location. View record page
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DVA has published four nominal rolls. These nominal rolls list members of Australia's defence forces who served during World War Two, Korean War, Vietnam War and First Gulf War.

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The NSW War Memorials Register is a database of war memorials in New South Wales. It currently holds more than 3000 war memorial records, and more than 200,000 veteran records. The Register enables communities to record accurate information about war memorials, provides best practice information about war memorial conservation, and connects memorials and veterans to sustain NSW military and commemorative history.

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Search their database to find images of the graves or memorial listings of war dead and particularly those of the Commonwealth since the outbreak of the First World War. The project has photographed over 1.7 million named graves and memorials and have partnered with Commonwealth War Graves Commission. The ongoing project is run by volunteers. View record page
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Learn how to trace the voyages made by a merchant seaman, find a Royal Marine’s medal record or track the wartime history of an Army regiment in the National Archives of the UK records.

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