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Freely accessible eresource

The Geographical Names Board provides a searchable register of place names in NSW, detailing location as well as origin, history and meaning if available. Discontinued names are retained in the register. To find an area’s parish or county, use the Place Name Search in the Geographical Name Register to search by locality or suburb. 

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Freely accessible eresource

The Historical Land Records Viewer (HLRV) is provided by the NSW Land Registry Services (NSWLRS), enabling online access to historical land information. Records include Torrens titles 1863-1961, Old Systems records (indexes and registers of Grants, Purchasers, Vendors), Plan Lodgement Books 1863-1995, and historical maps such as charting, parish and town maps. For help with using the HLRV, see State Library webinars: Lifelong Learning | State Library of NSW

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Freely accessible eresource
A detailed selection of scanned documents and books, including the Sands directories, some early NSW electoral rolls and land title records and miscelleanous occupations. View record page
Freely accessible eresource

The NSW Spatial Collaboration Portal provides access to a range of NSW primary spatial data. It includes the SIX Maps Viewer (Cadastral, Topographic, Imagery, Place Names and Addressing data) and the Historical Imagery Viewer which contains imagery dating back to the 1930s.

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Freely accessible eresource

Provides access to information about County & Parish maps, Surveyor General's Crown plans  and Surveyor Field books. 

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