Extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Includes current newspapers and full-text periodicals of major bibliographic resources including CINAHL, BIOSIS, MLA, PsycINFO, ERIC, EconLit, RILM and modern primary sources such as podcasts and transcripts from NPR and CNN.
Cambridge Companions Online is a fully searchable, full text collection of over 360 titles from the renowned Cambridge Companion series. It's regularly updated with new titles in the Companion series.
The subject areas covered are literature, classics, philosophy, religion and cultural studies.
A searchable online collection of more than 260 volumes published in various history series by Cambridge University Press since 1960.
This collection provides unique authoritative content covering history in 15 different subject areas including world history, ancient and medieval history, economics, science, literature, philosophy and religion.
Access the Library's collection of ebooks which are available for loan. The collection includes over 7000 titles covering fiction and non-fiction, Australian and international material.
FAQs about eresources and accessing ebooks are available at Help | Eresources.
Spanning five centuries, charting the story of the rise and fall of empires; from the explorations of Columbus, Captain Cook, and others, right through to de-colonisation in the second half of the twentieth century and debates over American Imperialism. Empire Online enables the exploration of colonial history, politics, culture and society.
This provides streaming access to over 450 videos representing the work of indigenous filmmakers around the world. Local material covered includes Australia, New Zealand, Papua Niu Gini (also known as Papua New Guinea), Solomon Islands and other regions. Content has been sourced from several collections including National Film & Sound Archive of Australia, SBS, Mexican Film Board, and National Film Board of Canada.
This collection from Adam Matthew Digital captures the lives, experiences and colonial encounters of people living at the edges of the Anglophone world from 1650-1920. It ranges across the various colonial frontiers of North America before touching on the settlers and indigenous peoples of Southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
Discover information on a wide range of history topics from ancient to modern times from reference works, academic journals, primary and multi-media sources.
Gale Primary Sources is an integrated research environment that allows users to search across Gale's primary source collections. It provides tools to analyse content using frequency and term-relationship tools. Content covered includes Gale's historical newspaper and periodical collections, historical books, and other primary source material. Useful for HSC History.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers offers full-page and article images in easily downloadable PDF format for newspapers dating back to the 18th century. Titles include The Chicago Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor, The Guardian and The Observer, The Irish Times, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Scotsman, The Times of India, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The South China Morning Post and the Chinese Newspaper Collection. Document supply available.
This complete database of Australasian content searches across all Informit subject databases. It covers the following major subject areas: Agriculture, Arts, Asian, Business, Education, Engineering, Health, History, Indigenous, Law, Literature, Media, Reference, Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology.
Useful for HSC Society and Culture, HSC English and HSC History.
JSTOR is an interdisciplinary digital archive of scholarly material in the social sciences and humanities and the sciences. It includes the full text of non-current issues from over 1,000 leading academic journals as well as select monographs and other materials. The State Library subscribes to the Arts & Sciences Collections Parts I - IX and the Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets collection. Document supply available. Useful for HSC History, HSC Society & Culture and HSC English.
Contains hundreds of specialist encyclopaedias, dictionaries, language resources, and other reference works published by Oxford University Press as ebooks. Covers all subject areas.
It is a fully-indexed, cross-searchable database of these books.
Periodicals Archive Online is a leading humanities and social sciences indexing service that provides access to bibliographic records of articles from more than 4,000 journals published from 1770 to 2005. It gives the full text of articles from over 700 journals indexed.
ProQuest Research Library provides access to thousands of full-text periodicals. Search scholarly journals, professional and trade publications and magazines covering over 150 topics including arts, business, humanities, social sciences, medicine and science.
This database contains digital images of a wide range of original documents, including diaries, letters, trench journals, personal narratives, memoirs, ephemera, objects (shown in 3D), propaganda recruitment posters, sheet music, postcards, scrapbooks, sketches and paintings, and trench maps. The database covers the wars in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Balkans, Eastern Front, Gallipoli, Home Front, Italian Front, Middle East, war at sea and in the air, as well as the Western Front.
Contains photographs, reports and minutes, correspondence, diaries and press cuttings along with interpretative essays from leading scholars. Together these documents form an indispensable resource for the study of 20th-Century social, political, military and gender history.