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This is an online streaming database of documentary and educational videos from many of Australasias video publishers. The collection contains more than 500 hours of content and includes video published from the mid-20th century to the present day, covering regional perspectives in a broad range of disciplines. Content has been sourced from several collections including: National Film & Sound Archive, SBS, George Andrews Productions, Beamafilms, and Electric Pictures.

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Australian Public Affairs Full Text (APAFT) provides access to articles from humanities and social science journals, based on the database APAIS (Australian Public Affairs Information Service).

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Archival material on political and trade union movements and labour organisations, as well as voices for independence and self-determination across former British, French and Portuguese colonies. The collection includes material from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Caribbean, North and Central America, Australasia and the Pacific, with a major focus on Southern Africa and Australasia.  

The Australian content includes pamphlets and other ephemera from political parties, trade unions and pressure groups. These range in date from the 1950s to the early 2000s, with a particular focus on the 1970s and 1980s.  

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This resource provides a unique and personal view of events in the region from the arrival of the first settlers through to Australian Federation at the close of the nineteenth century. Material includes first-person accounts, letters and diaries, narratives, and other primary source materials.

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This database covers journals journals printed between c1685 and 1835, illuminating all aspects of eighteenth-century social, political and literary life. Topics covered: colonial life; provincial and rural affairs; the French and American revolutions; reviews of literature and fashion throughout Europe; political debates; and London coffee house gossip and discussion. It also contains some Australian content.

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This provides streaming access to over 450 videos representing the work of indigenous filmmakers around the world. Local material covered includes Australia, New Zealand, Papua Niu Gini (also known as Papua New Guinea), Solomon Islands and other regions. Content has been sourced from several collections including National Film & Sound Archive of Australia, SBS, Mexican Film Board, and National Film Board of Canada.

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This eresource provides authoritative, full-text content with a regional focus, complemented by global news, reference, and multimedia coverage. It features a variety of magazines, journals, news, and multimedia sources across academic disciplines and areas of interest, covering issues and events related to Australia and New Zealand.

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This complete database of Australasian content searches across all Informit subject databases. It covers the following major subject areas: Agriculture, Arts, Asian, Business, Education, Engineering, Health, History, Indigenous, Law, Literature, Media, Reference, Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology.

Useful for HSC Society and Culture, HSC English and HSC History.

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JSTOR is an interdisciplinary digital archive of scholarly material in the social sciences and humanities and the sciences. It includes the full text of non-current issues from over 1,000 leading academic journals as well as select monographs and other materials. The State Library subscribes to the Arts & Sciences Collections Parts I - IX and the Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets collection. Document supply available. Useful for HSC History, HSC Society & Culture and HSC English.

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An integrated primary source collection of topic-based modules covering the vast array of nineteenth-century content in this period of industrialisation, technology, revolution, nationalism, colonialism, education and culture. Search the complete collection or choose from the following modules:

  • Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange (19th Century Collections)
  • British Politics and Society
  • Children’s Literature and Childhood
  • Europe and Africa: Commerce, Christianity, Civilization, and Conquest 1800-1914
  • Mapping the World: Maps & Travel Literature 
  • Photography: The World through the Lens
  • Religion, Society, Spirituality, and Reform
  • Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925
  • Women: Transnational Networks 1797-1947
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The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau (PMB | Pambu) copies archives, manuscripts and rare printed material relating to the Pacific Islands and the material provides the most extensive collection of non-government primary documentation on the Pacific Islands available to researchers on microfilm held by member libraries. The aim of the Bureau is to help with long-term preservation of the documentary heritage of the Pacific Islands and to make it accessible. The full version of this catalogue – including access to digitised materials – is available for Member libraries such as the State Library of New South Wales. NSW residents can access Pambu’s full catalogue by clicking on Log in with a Library card below.

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This database contains digital images of a wide range of original documents, including diaries, letters, trench journals, personal narratives, memoirs, ephemera, objects (shown in 3D), propaganda recruitment posters, sheet music, postcards, scrapbooks, sketches and paintings, and trench maps. The database covers the wars in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Balkans, Eastern Front, Gallipoli, Home Front, Italian Front, Middle East, war at sea and in the air, as well as the Western Front.

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From the Eiffel Tower and the Space Needle to the invention of television, chewing gum and hotdogs, world fairs have shaped our world. This eresource digitizes primary source material from over 200 world fairs and exhibitions. Coverage includes the world fairs held in Sydney (1879) and Melbourne (1881), and Australian material for fairs around the world. Key exhibits: aeronautics, art and architecture, chemistry and chemicals, entertainment, fashion and beauty, food and drink, lifestyle and domestic living, light and electricity, manufacturing and machines, nature and natural resources, technology and communications, transportation and visual culture. By Adam Matthew Digital.

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Digitised collection of protection reports from bodies such as the Aborigines Welfare Board, and legislation that covered the 'protection' of Aboriginal peoples in all states.

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Detailed biographies and photos of nearly 500 Anzac officers who died in Gallipoli. Includes a link to epitaphs at Gallipoli. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
An educational website developed by the Office of the Board of Studies for the Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs. This site charts the course of Australia’s wartime history. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
This is the online version of the multi-volume reference work. It contains authoritative biographical entries on over 10,000 significant Australians who died before 1994. It can be searched by name, gender, religion, cultural heritage, and occupation. View record page
Freely accessible eresource

The Australian Indigenous Index or INFOKOORI is a State Library of NSW index to the Koori Mail: the fortnightly national indigenous newspaper, published in Lismore, NSW, since May 1991, that focuses on the Indigenous people of Australia. INFOKOORI is also an index to biographical information from other periodicals held by the NSW State Library including: Our aim : a monthly record of the Aborigines' Inland Mission of Australia. (19071961), Dawn : a magazine for the Aboriginal people of N.S.W. (19521969), New Dawn (19701975) and Identity: Aboriginal Publications Foundation (19711982). Full-text versions of Dawn and New Dawn are available from AIATSIS. Published by the NSW Aborigines Welfare Board, they contain family history information such as births, deaths, and marriages, and hundreds of photographs. They also contain articles about conditions and activities on reserves, stations, homes and schools in NSW. Historical information about Aboriginal people and communities is also being added from other newspapers published in NSW that are held by the NSW State Library, such as the Armidale Express, the Dubbo Dispatch and Wellington Independent, the Australian Evangel, Today, the Daily Examiner (Grafton) and the North-western Watchman (Coonabarabran).

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AIATSIS is a research, collections and publishing organisation with a priceless collection of print, photographs, video and audio. It promotes knowledge and research on all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, languages and stories. You can explore their online collections, research guides, publications, and many digitised collections including The Koori Mail, Dawn and New Dawn, notebooks and diaries.

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