Trove helps you find and use resources relating to Australia. It’s more than a search engine. Trove brings together content from libraries, museums, archives, repositories and other research and collecting organisations big and small.
Learn how to trace the voyages made by a merchant seaman, find a Royal Marine’s medal record or track the wartime history of an Army regiment in the National Archives of the UK records.
"This site provides links to web sites that offer online information in a wide range of categories to help you with your Military Family History research. New links are added regularly."
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An index to names of unassisted passengers who arrived in Victoria from British and foreign ports between 1852 and 1923. The Public Record Office Victoria website also provides research guides and information about the office's collections and services.
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This service allows you to search Victorian indexes to births from 1853 to 1915, marriages in Victoria from 1853 to 1942,
deaths in Victoria from 1853 to 1988 and church baptisms, marriages and burials in Victoria from 1836 to 1853 and the events at sea (Marine) index contains births, marriages and deaths that happened between 1853 and 1920 onboard international and coastal ships bound for port in Victoria. Check the Help guide on their website to keep up to date with the dates of the indexes.
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Index to Fremantle, Karrakatta, Pinnaroo, Midland and Guildford cemeteries. Search by name to find cemetery grave location and grant number, whether the grant has expired, date of death, memorial location, funeral application number.
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This website makes it easier to match a couple married in WA. See Frequently-asked questions on this website for a better explanation.
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Free online searching of Western Australian birth, death and marriage indexes is available for the following ranges of years: Birth indexes - 1841 to 1932 Death indexes - 1841 to 1960 Marriage indexes - 1841 to 1932.
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