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A database of more than 20 000 historic, natural and Indigenous places in the Register of the National Estate, the National Heritage List, the Commonwealth Heritage List, the World Heritage List, and places under consideration for any one of these lists. Information includes a place's values, its legal status, its significance, physical condition, history and photographs if available.

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The Australian Indigenous Index or INFOKOORI is a State Library of NSW index to the Koori Mail: the fortnightly national indigenous newspaper, published in Lismore, NSW, since May 1991, that focuses on the Indigenous people of Australia. INFOKOORI is also an index to biographical information from other periodicals held by the NSW State Library including: Our aim : a monthly record of the Aborigines' Inland Mission of Australia. (19071961), Dawn : a magazine for the Aboriginal people of N.S.W. (19521969), New Dawn (19701975) and Identity: Aboriginal Publications Foundation (19711982). Full-text versions of Dawn and New Dawn are available from AIATSIS. Published by the NSW Aborigines Welfare Board, they contain family history information such as births, deaths, and marriages, and hundreds of photographs. They also contain articles about conditions and activities on reserves, stations, homes and schools in NSW. Historical information about Aboriginal people and communities is also being added from other newspapers published in NSW that are held by the NSW State Library, such as the Armidale Express, the Dubbo Dispatch and Wellington Independent, the Australian Evangel, Today, the Daily Examiner (Grafton) and the North-western Watchman (Coonabarabran).

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AIATSIS is a research, collections and publishing organisation with a priceless collection of print, photographs, video and audio. It promotes knowledge and research on all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, languages and stories. You can explore their online collections, research guides, publications, and many digitised collections including The Koori Mail, Dawn and New Dawn, notebooks and diaries.

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A database of over 3000 pioneer doctors from the 1700s through to 1875. The site covers Australian medical history with a database of medical pioneers and educational background material. It includes doctors who were registered or qualified in Australia, were resident in Australia, or visited here in a professional capacity, before 1875. Ships' surgeons, convict doctors, general practitioners and medical specialists are included. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
A register of documents vital to Australia's history. This is one of 40 similar programs run by UNESCO for various countries of the world. It aims to preserve key documents in archives and library collections around the world and ensure that they are always available. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
Resources in Australian history and literature at the University of Sydney Library's Scholarly Electronic Text and Image Service (SETIS). SETIS is the creator of digital editions of Australian literary and historical texts and hosts a number of other Australian studies resources. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
The Australian War Memorial's national collection covers Australia's past involvment in the following armed conflicts : New Zealand (Maori Wars) 1860-1866; Sudan (NSW contigent) 1885; South Africa (Boer War) 1899-1902; China (Boxer Uprising) 1900-1901; the First World War (1914-1918); the Second World War (1939-1945); British Commonwealth Occupation Forces (1946-1952); the Malayan Emergency (1948-1960); the Korean War (1950-1953); Indonesian Confrontation (1963-1966); the Vietnam War (1962-1972); the Gulf War (1990-1991); East Timor (1999 - ); Afghanistan (2000 - ); Iraq (2003 - ) and various peacekeeping operations. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
A digital library of documents about people, places and businesses from the medieval and early modern period, created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust. Includes some volumes from the Victoria County History series as well as links to directories and lists such as the Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, which lists officials in the Church of England 1541-1857. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
A database of still images and footage from historical cinema newsreels produced by one of the oldest media companies in the world, British Pathe. Low-resolution previews may be downloaded for free. High-resolution licensed clips are available for purchase online. View record page
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A database of historical images of Chinese immigrants and their descendants in Australia. It primarily draws on the photographic holdings of the Museum of Chinese Australian History but also includes photographs from other online archives, publications and private family collections. Built into the database is the beginnings of an encyclopaedia of Chinese-Australian history, complete with bibliography, which provides contextual information about the images in the database. CHIA is a joint project between the Chinese Museum and La Trobe University ( Asian Studies Program ), supported by the Australian Research Council and the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre ( Melbourne University ). View record page
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City of Sydney’s archival collection dating from 1842 onwards, including digitised photographs, maps, historical documents, development and building records, the Sands Postal Directory and more.

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This site, from the University of Newcastle Centre for 21st Century Humanities, aims to identify and record sites of frontier massacres of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people across Australia from 1788 to 1930. 

The site presents a map, timelines, and information about frontier massacres in Australia between 1788 when British colonisation began until 1930. Only frontier massacres for which sufficient evidence exists and can be verified are included. The map also includes information about frontier massacres of non- Aboriginal people such as colonists and others in Australia in the same period.


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This site provides personal and service details and places of commemoration for the 1.7 million members of the Commonwealth forces who died in the First or Second World Wars. A record of some 60 000 civilian casualties of the Second World War is provided without details of burial location. View record page
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DAAO provides biographical data, contextual information, commentary and links to images databases. The DAAOs foundation biographies come from: - The dictionary of Australian artists: painters, sketchers, photographers and engravers to 1870, edited by Joan Kerr - Heritage: The national women's art book, edited by Joan Kerr - Aboriginal artists of the western desert: a biographical dictionary, by Vivien Johnson - and biographies from collecting institutions and fine arts academics. Born digital biographies are now being added by: - The Storylines Project, College of Fine Arts, UNSW - National Gallery of Australia - Queensland Art Gallery - commercial galleries - academics and postgraduate researchers - artists and art lovers. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
More than 3000 biographies of New Zealanders of historical note, originally published in the printed Dictionary of New Zealand biography series and in the parallel Maori-language series, Nga Tangata Taumata Rau. The editorial policy aims to include not only figures of national importance but also those who were representative in a regional, tribal, ethnic or occupational context. The site does not include people who are alive. View record page
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An online encyclopaedia which aimed to cover every aspect of the history of the Sydney region (including the Blue Mountains) - from the earliest human habitation to the present. It includes people, places, buildings, events, cultural groups, natural features, organisations, artefacts and thematic essays. It contains images, sound, film, documents and maps, as well as new scholarship, research and bibliographies. The site was archived in 2021.

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Pictures, sounds and objects from New Zealand's archives, galleries, libraries and museums. View record page
Freely accessible eresource
Documenting a Democracy is a National Archives of Australia website - developed in partnership with Australia's eight state and territory government archives and the National Council for the Centenary of Federation - that provides 110 key documents, in both digital and transcription format, relating to the foundation of Australia. Key documents include nine sets of original legal and constitutional instruments for the creation and evolution of the Commonwealth, states and territories governments, accessed by either a place or map search tool. There is a Picture Album of people and places behind the documents; information on how Australia's constitutional boundaries were formed at Places; and an Australian history Timeline which shows what was happening when each document was written. There are also Pathways to documents on the themes of Foundation, Building, Freedoms and Land. This webpage includes a digital map of Aboriginal Australia before the advent of Europeans. View record page
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The Federation of Australian Historical Societies Inc. is the peak body representing the interests of historical societies throughout Australia. The organisation encourages the study and publication of Australian history, the preservation, interpretation and promotion of moveable and built heritage, and public access to historical information and heritage collections. It promotes communication and mutual assistance within the historical society movement and provides a forum for the exchange of ideas on historical matters. Where appropriate, it lobbies federal, state and local governments on issues of concern to historical societies and assists their work in a variety of other ways. View record page
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A joint project of the State Library of NSW and Sydney University, this site provides digitised and transcribed documents relating to the First Fleet and early settlement of Australia. Many of the documents are from the Mitchell Library's manuscript collection. View record page