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Discover information on a wide range of history topics from ancient to modern times from reference works, academic journals, primary and multi-media sources.   

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A well-illustrated dictionary that covers many specialist terms and concepts used in biology, chemistry, earth science and human anatomy. Suitable for the lay person and high school students.

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Search across seven different literary collections, including Literature Resource Center, to find literary criticism, scholarly essays, reviews, overviews, author biographies and full-text literary works.

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This eresource provides authoritative, full-text content with a regional focus, complemented by global news, reference, and multimedia coverage. It features a variety of magazines, journals, news, and multimedia sources across academic disciplines and areas of interest, covering issues and events related to Australia and New Zealand.

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Supplements with close to 1200 national and regional newspaper titles (active and full-text) including Al Jazeera (Qatar), Bangkok Post, Gulf News and a wealth of Australian titles, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts.

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Gale Primary Sources is an integrated research environment that allows users to search across Gale's primary source collections. It provides tools to analyse content using frequency and term-relationship tools. Content covered includes Gale's historical newspaper and periodical collections, historical books, and other primary source material. Useful for HSC History.

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Gale Research Complete is a unified platform for primary and secondary sources including over 28,000 journals, 2,000 ebooks, 300 primary source collections across 13 million digitised pages, and over two million literature works.

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A broad list of general interest publications, supplementing knowledge gained from peer-reviewed journals with insights from mainstream press, trade and industry publications globally. Includes peer reviewed journals, hundreds of newspapers including current content from National Public Radio programs (from 1990 to present) and links videos from NY Times and Associated Press.

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ProQuest Health and Medical Complete contains over 1,500 publications covering medical sciences, immunology, pharmacy and pharmacology, nursing, physical fitness and hygiene, surgery, and others. Document supply available View record page
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Includes a medical encyclopaedia, a dictionary and journal articles from a variety of popular and scholarly publications. Document supply available.

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The Chinese Newspaper Collection covers a range of papers published between 1832 to 1953 providing a primary source chronicle of the country's turbulent transition from Imperial rule to the founding of the Republic. Titles include North China Herald, The China Press, The China Critic, and the China Weekly Review. View record page
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ProQuest Historical Newspapers offers full-page and article images in easily downloadable PDF format for newspapers dating back to the 18th century. Titles include The Chicago Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor, The Guardian and The Observer, The Irish Times, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Scotsman, The Times of India, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The South China Morning Post and the Chinese Newspaper Collection. Document supply available.

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House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP) contains House of Commons sessional papers from 1715 to present session, with supplementary material back to 1688. Document supply available. View record page
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This index provides references (not full-text) to academic journal articles published 1907 - 1984 from a range of social science and humanities subject areas, including anthropology, archaeology, communications, environmental studies, performing arts, political science and social work.

Subjects covered: Addiction studies, anthropology, archaeology, communications, economics, ethics, family studies, gender studies, international relations, law, mass media, minority studies, music, performing arts, political science, psychology, public welfare, religion, sociology, urban studies. Document supply available.

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IBISWorld contains approximately 500 industry research reports. The reports consists of industry overviews, performance, products and markets, major companies, operating conditions and key statistics. In addition it has research reports for the top 2,000 Australian companies including listed and non-listed public companies.

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The IELTS Academic Module is recommended for candidates who need to meet the English language requirements for academic purposes. Produced by the British Council, this is an online self study program based on the International English Language Testing System syllabus.

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The IELTS General Training Module is suitable for candidates who need the IELTS test for non-academic purposes. Produced by the British Council, this is an online self study program based on the International English Language Testing System syllabus.

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The indyreads e-content platform provides free access to ebooks and eaudio via a browser or Android & Apple Apps. 

Through indyreads, State Library members can access a diverse collection, including Australian and international independent titles, award-winning literature, classic fiction and non-fiction imprints, and the best examples of self-published content.

Collections are also available in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese.

To log in: 

1.    download the indyreads app (Android, Apple) or go to the indyreads browser version
2.    select your library service
3.    enter your library card number
4.    enter your PIN
5.    start browsing!

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This complete database of Australasian content searches across all Informit subject databases. It covers the following major subject areas: Agriculture, Arts, Asian, Business, Education, Engineering, Health, History, Indigenous, Law, Literature, Media, Reference, Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology.

Useful for HSC Society and Culture, HSC English and HSC History.

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A full text database covers a range of contemporary business issues including business law, economics, employment, finance, human resource management, organisational psychology, taxation and training.

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