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Resource: Freely available
This site contains basic information on individual countries, including formal name, capital city, area, population, currency, languages, and religions. The flags include the national and state flags, ensigns, and sub-national flags. Where countries have changed their flags in the last few years the old flag is also shown. View record page
Resource: Freely available
(World Health Organization, International)
Information on individual countries and global issues. WHO is a specialist agency of the United Nations. View record page
Resource: Freely available
Heritage sites listed by the UNESCO World Heritage Commission. View record page
Resource: Freely available

The World Resources Institute is an independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect the environment and its capacity to provide for people's needs. The Institute's staff includes scientists, economists, policy experts, business analysts, statistical analysts, mapmakers, and communicators. World Resources Reports are free for download.

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Resource: Freely available
WorldCat is provided by OCLC Online Computer Library Center on behalf of its member libraries and searches the collections of over 10,000 libraries and some 1.2 billion items from around the world. You can search for books, foreign language material, music CDs, videos, digital content (such as downloadable audiobooks), article citations (with links to their full text), authoritative research materials (such as documents and photos of local or historic significance) and digital versions of rare items that aren't available to the public. WorldCat allows you find an item of interest and then locate library/s that own it. Usually you will link directly to the item record on that particular library's website. View record page
Resource: Freely available
This site is useful for scholars and researchers who may need to obtain permission to publish works still protected by copyright. You can search the WATCH file to find contact information for the copyright holders of authors and artists whose works can be found in libraries and archives across North America and the United Kingdom. WATCH is jointly produced by the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at The University of Texas at Austin and the University of Reading Library, Reading, England View record page
Resource: Freely available
The Yad Vashem Museum is the world's largest repository of information on the Holocaust. The activities of Yad Vashem include education, commemoration, research and documentation. This site provides access to the Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names. View record page