Displaying 321 - 340 of 669
Resource: Freely available
This site provides personal and service details and places of commemoration for the 1.7 million members of the Commonwealth forces who died in the First or Second World Wars. A record of some 60 000 civilian casualties of the Second World War is provided without details of burial location. View record page
Resource: Freely available

Contains 50,000 searchable text pages and 40,000 images of both publications and handwritten manuscripts by Charles Darwin. Includes audio and image files, a bibliography and a catalogue of Darwin-related manuscripts. From the University of Cambridge (UK). Full-text resource.

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Resource: Freely available
Published by the NSW Department of Community Services this guide to NSW records from 1900 onwards is aimed at helping people separated from their birth families to locate their records. The guide includes : a brief history of child welfare in NSW; a chronology of key events in NSW child welfare; listing of records at NSW Government welfare agencies, non government agencies, public hospitals and NSW Government non-welfare agencies. View record page
Resource: Freely available
Conservation experts produced by the State Library of Victoria including Caring for Family History Documents. View record page
Resource: Freely available
This database from State Records NSW combines six Indexes: Certificates of Freedom, 1823-69; Convict bank Accounts, 1837-70; Tickets of Exemption from Government Labor, 1827-32; Tickets of Leave, Certificates of Emancipation and Pardons, 1810-19; Tickets of Leave, 1810-75 and Ticket of Leave Passports, 1835-69 View record page
Resource: Freely available

A guide to searching for a convict at State Archives NSW includes historical background, a Convict Family History Worksheet and links to online resources. Includes the following indexes: Certificates of freedom, 1823-69; Convict Bank accounts 1837-70; Convict exiles 1849-50; Pardons, 1791-1825, 1837-41; Tickets of exemption from government labour, 1827-32; Tickets of leave, certificates of emancipation and pardons, 1810-1819; Ticket of leave passports, 1835-1869. Index of Bench of Magistrates 1788-1820; Index to (NSW) Quarter Session cases 1824-1837.

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Resource: Freely available

Links and information on researching Australian family history including: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; births, deaths and marriage records; child migration, occupations and service personnel records.

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Resource: Freely available

Provides information and links about spiritual groups, some of which may be considered cultish or coercive in their practices. From the Rick A. Ross Institute of New Jersey.

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Resource: Freely available

A major resource with links to information arranged by country and by specific topic area.

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Resource: Freely available

Data.gov.au is the central source of Australian open government data published by federal, state and local government agencies.

This data is a national resource that holds considerable value for growing the economy, improving service delivery and transforming policy outcomes.
In addition to government data, you can also find publicly-funded research data and datasets from private institutions that are in the public interest.
The site has over 30,000 publically available datasets and continues to grow.
In addition to free, open datasets, data.gov.au now includes information about unpublished data and data available for purchase.

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Resource: Freely available

Dawn and New Dawn magazines were published between 1952 and 1975 by the NSW Aborigines Welfare Board. They include family history information such as births, deaths, and marriages, as well as hundreds of photographs. They also contain articles about conditions and activities on reserves, stations, homes and schools in NSW. The full text of Dawn and New dawn are available at this site. Biographical information on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Dawn, New dawn and other magazines is also indexed by the INFOKOORI Database.

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Resource: Freely available

This index has been compiled from NSW State Archives Duty Paid files. See the Guide for further information. 

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Resource: Freely available

This site provides information about the Australian environment and the Environment Program. It includes information about the Natural Heritage Trust and the State of the Environment.

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Resource: Freely available
DAAO provides biographical data, contextual information, commentary and links to images databases. The DAAOs foundation biographies come from: - The dictionary of Australian artists: painters, sketchers, photographers and engravers to 1870, edited by Joan Kerr - Heritage: The national women's art book, edited by Joan Kerr - Aboriginal artists of the western desert: a biographical dictionary, by Vivien Johnson - and biographies from collecting institutions and fine arts academics. Born digital biographies are now being added by: - The Storylines Project, College of Fine Arts, UNSW - National Gallery of Australia - Queensland Art Gallery - commercial galleries - academics and postgraduate researchers - artists and art lovers. View record page
Resource: Freely available
More than 3000 biographies of New Zealanders of historical note, originally published in the printed Dictionary of New Zealand biography series and in the parallel Maori-language series, Nga Tangata Taumata Rau. The editorial policy aims to include not only figures of national importance but also those who were representative in a regional, tribal, ethnic or occupational context. The site does not include people who are alive. View record page
Resource: Freely available

An online encyclopaedia which aimed to cover every aspect of the history of the Sydney region (including the Blue Mountains) - from the earliest human habitation to the present. It includes people, places, buildings, events, cultural groups, natural features, organisations, artefacts and thematic essays. It contains images, sound, film, documents and maps, as well as new scholarship, research and bibliographies. The site was archived in 2021.

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Resource: Freely available
University of Leicester digitisation of local and trade directories which include names, addresses and occupations of the inhabitants of counties and towns. View record page
Resource: Freely available
Pictures, sounds and objects from New Zealand's archives, galleries, libraries and museums. View record page
Resource: Freely available
The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of Americas libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world. View record page